Let me just walk you through this quilt. I drew it from graph paper - didn't have measurements - made a lot of blocks twice. Then, when it was finally pieced - I had to take it off the machine mid-quilting to fix some unsightly errors! Chaos, if you ask me. I am grateful to Clint for pointing out the final error in the quilt and telling me that it wasn't acceptable - it pushed me to fix it and I am so glad I did! When you work on a quilt for over 100 hours (35 hours piecing, 65 hours quilting roughly), you better like the end product and not have any regrets!

I can tell you that I can see and point out every single imperfection of my quilt, but I won't point them out because when it's all said and done, once you take the quilt off the frames, it looks good and your eyes see the whole quilt, not just the 18 inches you have been working on for hours.

I wanted this quilt to look like it had some iron work in it. The swirls were an excellent match for the design because they matched my template designs for the blocks. In case you are wondering, I drew up my own templates. The templates for the blocks had the base of the daisy flower with the swirls going into hearts around them.

The center block is my daisy flower pot. I love it! So simple, yet so elegant. The quilting just balances out the whole quilt, it really turned out better than I could have imagined.

I was a little nervous just using super plain fabric and only three colors, but the quilting took over and put the print right onto the fabric.

I seriously keep looking at it! I have to admit I cried a few tears last night at 2:30 am when I put in the last stitch, took the quilt off the frames and stared at it. It really has been a rough couple of weeks, maybe because I was a little stressed? :) but having this quilt done and to know that it is mine makes me so happy. I have created an heirloom quilt that can be passed on to my family when I am gone. I told Lili that she can have it when she is 60 because I won't give it up until I am 85 and dying. She was a little excited at first, but then realized it's going to be a while.

Here's the back! And I love it just as much as the front. I used 108" wide cream cotton sateen and it looks fabulous. This side looks like a whole cloth quilt and could easily pass for one. I am sad I have to put a label and sleeve on it because I won't be able to use both sides, but that's okay. To the quilt show it goes!

I used a wool batting and hobbs 80/20 batting for this quilt. It gave it a perfect loft for how much pebbling I did and the tension is perfect! The thread on the back of the quilt looks as good as the front. I love my A-1 longarm!!!

So, what's left? Purple binding, sleeve and label! I am considering hiring out because I hate to hand bind, but can't justify machine binding on this quilt!
Well, Happy Easter everyone! The kids had a fun little Easter Egg Hunt today. I loved it! I hope your weekend is wonderful and you eat some ham and funeral potatoes! That's what we are having tomorrow! Yeah!!!
WOW! I thought it was pretty just looking at the first picture of the quilt. Then, to see the quilting... WOW!!!! You are so talented. This is beautiful!!!
Jaw, all the way to the floor. Seriously. I'm speechless.
You are AMAZING. Amazing.
You are AMAZING! Jared and I are in awe of how detailed and talented you are. We are so glad to know you!!! :)
I agree with Camille. Your quilt is so beautiful, I am so glad you are sending it to a quilt show. I am sure it will win an award.
Judi, this is amazing! Glad to see you are more confident about your work. You are incredible - and so is your quilting! Is this going to HMQS?
Bravo Judi!! You are placing this in a judged show aren't you? The world needs to see your beautiful work.
Amazing is all I can think of to write..
Your work has to be the best I have ever seen..
... amazing work!!
Julia ♥
Absolutely gorgeous...a true heirloom! I wouldn't give it up until I was 85 either...and yes, you deserve to work on your own quilts...as much as you want!!!
Your quilt is just too beautiful to believe. Wonderful work. I have never seen quilting this beautiful!
Wow!! I'm drooling over here.
Oh my! *continues to stare*
Bravo! Your work is absolutely stunning.
I have no words for the beauty of this quilt.... you should be proud!
Judi, I am crying in awe and love for you and am so happy for you that you treated yourself and the beauty cannot be described! And to think that I will be able to see in person soon when I come and hug you in congratulations, Maybe I better hug CLINT doubly for hanging in there. GORGEOUS! love, Em
Stunning quilt, Can I ask which show/s you are putting it in as I would love to see it in the flesh. by the way what on earth are funeral potatoes???
Woooow! Thats amazing! I never saw so beautiful quilting. I'm sure you'll win the quilt show.
Happy easter!
Drop dead GORGEOUS! It is a ribbon winner for sure. It is a real one of a kind heirloom for sure. Congrats to you!
OMG that quilt is simply awesome, superbly quilted
Wow!! Your quilting is magnificent!!
I am in awe of your talent!!
Happy Easter Judi!!!
OMGosh this is spectacular...how could anybody not be impressed with it. Your work is just amazing. I am so jealous....hugs khris
This is breathtaking! I would love to be a fly on the wall as you're working on something like this:)
Happy Easter!
One perfect choice after another beautifully executed. Congratulations!
It takes my breath away! You have such amazing talent for bringing quilts to life!
that is absolutely gorgeous. it was well worth all the time you spent on the quilting. wow. did I say wow? Thanks for posting all the wonderful closeups. Will be sending this link to my mom so she can drool also.
No, it is not selfish! You can't take care of others properly if you don't take care of yourself! This quilt is amazing! I wish I lived close - I would finish the binding for you (I happen to like binding, I know, weird) just to have that stunning quilt in my hands for a bit. I'll be content, though, taking in the photos. Are you going to enter it in a show? It is truly a work of art!
There are no words to say how beautiful this is. The stitching is absolutely elegant. Truly a masterpiece.
What an amazing piece of art, Congratulations!!
It does look like iron work, I wish I was capable of leaving a comment that adequately expresses my awe of this project.... it's so over the top wonderful!
So beautiful. You should take time to do something for yourself you should ne proud of yourself for doing this and maybe you should do it more often. You are so amazing with your quilting. When I grow up I want to quilt like you.
But I have to ask what are funeral potatoes.
Hope you had a great Easter yourself.
I see a big ribbons on this one already! Job well done!! How many spools did you go through and what thread was used?
Judi, I would have cried too. That is truly a work of art, you have done yourself proud! I've admired your quilting for some time, but I wanted to tell you again just how much I admire you. I believe you have the most artistic skill at representing the most perfect designs to compliment a quilt that I have ever seen.
You seem to manage to capture elegance combined with a touch of whimsy and a splash of pure joy, and it shows in every quilt you touch. Thank you for sharing your art with us!
I love the top...but I have to say that your quilting is "art". Happy Easter.
This is jaw-dropping gorgeous! A piece of art as a flat top, and the quilting brings it to life. Wow!
Absolutely showstopping gorgeous. Work of art! Beautiful quilt, design, colors...but the quilting really makes this quilt. I do hope to see this quilt in a quilt show. Love it!
Judi that is beautiful!!
Judi, I can't think of a single original thing to say about your gorgeous work! Everyone else has used all of the good adjectives, but I'll just reiterate that your quilt is mind-blowingly beautiful.
I'd love to know which show(s) this will be in, just in case I get a chance to see it. :)
Congratulations! This is a master piece........!!
Oh my word Judi, it is incredible!!
Incredible! You are so talented and your work is really inspiring. Great job!
My jaw dropped on the table! Stunning, absolutely stunning!!! You really have a wonderful talent!
Judi, this is an unbelievably beautiful quilt...I think the most beautiful I have ever seen. Get some rest after that!
Absolutely Beautiful! You should be so proud. Gorgeous!
Oh wow this is the most beautiful quilting I have ever seen, you are amazing. I would so love to come and learn from you....... maybe one day?
Thank you for sharing your quilt and good luck at the show.
Ditto to all of the above!! Just stunning quilting. Your amazing, running the household, three young children.....and still finding time to produce some amazing quilting. I hope this quilt earns you a ribbon.
The quilting is absolutely stunning. I am a great fan of your quilting but this is the best I have seen of it! I am so sorry I live at the other end of the world!
Totally AMAZING!!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!!
I look forward to seeing this at the quilt show next month! I assume you're sending it to that one. I don't think this is selfish at all to take some time and do something for yourself. This is how you'll keep your own creative juices flowing. I was giving away every quilt I pieced and made and had to take a minute to make one or two for myself. Now I'm back to giving them away. This quilt is definitely an heirloom and so very, very beautiful. I think the quilting is just icing on the cake and what beautiful icing it is! I see first place in your future!
I'm pretty sure there aren't many adjectives left.
Hmmm, exquisite. extraordinary. stunning. show-stopper (fingers crossed!!). Ah, wait, here it is...
♥piece de resistance♥
hey, did I forget Pimpin'?? LOL!
Unimaginably gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing the photos with us.
Oh my gosh - this is incredible! Thank you for sharing your journey and photos!! May I ask how many miles of threads were used? Three times to the moon and back? Maybe it's not even miles any more but light years?
oh my GOODNESS! Good for you for doing your OWN things. I think that helps to not burn out. I wish I lived closer. I LOVE to hand bind and would do THIS one for FREE! Just so I could get a good look at it! lolol pat yourself on the back, ya did GOOD!
Love it Judi, we are proud to know you!! We all think it is stunning, love the kirkhams
Wow-- Best of Show, for sure. That's just amazing. Gee, Judi, what's next?
Stunning! I would love to have a quilt with such beautiful quilting on it! You are truly talented!
Judi You are one crafty lady, obviously your husband knows that and thats why he gives you the space to do your stuff. For him to point out things shows he also understands how passionate you are about your work. You are one lucky lady he loves you and I think your work is amazing. CONGRATULATIONS
Stunning! WOW! I love your quilting so much! I'm sure you'll take first place in the show!
Nat, in France, soooo inspired by your work!!
You are a masterful quilter.
Oh my back, my back! ~~Well done~~ my friend. Practice makes perfect....now what are you going to do? XOXO
Judi - this may sound corny - but it is true - I have tears in my eyes - this quilt is absolutely magnificent! I am so glad that I have the chance to see it - what a beautiful, beautiful heirloom! Just beautiful!!!!!!!
Wow, your quilting is simply stunning! If you don't want to copver the back with the hanging sleeve and label, make the hanging sleve spo that it can be easily unpicked on the 'bottom' and use it folded up the other way after it's been shown - use the same fabric for the sleeve as you do for the binding and it'll be les obvious. You can make a subtle label and attach that to the sleeve (or stitch the words directly onto the sleeve) as well.
It is stunning. You should be very proud!
This is just great - havn't seen any better. I know it takes a whole lot of time making this - you have just done a great job - I love it.
WOW !!!
i am speechless
Judi- that is gorgeous, you are a genius!!
Judi, I am so proud of you and for you. This quilt is incredible and I am so glad it's yours. When you do such beautiful work for others, it's important to do something for yourself. Your creativity and skill are breathtaking. You set the bar very, very high. Thanks for sharing.
That is just stunning - wow.....
My oh my that is gorgeous! So glad you got it done and are so happy with it. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Are you going to enter it in a show?
Sandy A in St. Louis
Wow! Exquisite. Your skill really boggles my mind! I can't imagine how much thread went into that quilt. It is breathtaking!
so beautiful
Wow.... there are no words. It's breathtaking!
Fantastická práca.
You are so talented - your work is simply out of this world!
"To the quilt show it goes." .....to win lots and lots of awards. It is truly magnificent. I can't wait to see it with the purple binding. Awesome.
OH how I wish I could do what you do It Is so pretty You should be very proud of yourself.
Hugs Mary.
OMG, that is just wonderful! Congratulations on making a stunning quilt!
If this isn't a SHOW STOPPER, I don't know what is!!!
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
A-mazing! The machine quilting is exceptional!
WOW! You need a vacation after that one.
That turned out amazing, what an awesome job!!
OMG, Judi, this is amazing!!
I'm so glad I am going to be at HMQS. I can't wait to see it up close and personal. Awesome! Good luck!
You are so very talented! I love your quilt what a great accomplishment! Awesome Claudia
It is really a stunning masterpiece. When you said you used wool and Hobbs 80/20 batting, did you use wool for the body of the quilt and the 80/20 for the trapunto? How did you combine the two? It's truly gorgeous!
This is one of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen! It is so gorgeous. I don't blame you for not giving it up until you are on your deathbed. I wouldn't give it up then. I'd tell my family to bury me with it.
Do you do quilting for others? I have some quilts that need quilting. Not as gorgeous as yours, but works of love just the same.
Wonderful!!! Very inspirational.
Oh my! How beautiful. The quilting sure does make the quilt. I can't imagine how long it took you to quilt it. Outstanding!!!!
I'd be happy to bind it for you. I love hand work.
That is such a wonderful, beautiful quilt.
Absolutely BREATHTAKING! I mean - gorgeous beyond belief! Honestly one of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen. You are one very talented lady. Wowza.
This is the most beautiful piece of textile I think I have ever seen!
This is utterly breathtaking!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your quilt. I'm going to go buy your book as soon as this posts.
But...what are funeral potatoes?
Marilyn in MS
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