Happy New Year! Well - almost. We have a double giveaway to get you started on your New Year piecing projects! We have one jelly roll and one layer cake to give away to two lucky people.

Dilly Dally is up for grabs! Visit our quilt kit page here and tell us your favorite quilt kit and why, and you will have one entry into the drawing.
Be sure to follow me, join my newsletter and blog about my giveaway for more entries. Be sure to comment on each entry you qualify for.
So - you have a few days and then I will announce the winner sometime Monday! Good luck and Happy New Year!
1 – 200 of 590 Newer› Newest»I love the colors in the Moda City Weekend Quilt Kit. And the Dilly Dally is so cute too!
Happy New Year!
Aww...I hate being first!!! I love the Moda Origins kit - some of my favorite fabrics.
Lovely! I love the moda lollipop quilt kid! So cute! Happy new year!
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I love fresh colours in the Origins kit.
Happy New Year x
I love the Moda Makin New Friends Quilt Kit. I just love snowmen and they are so happy and cute :)
Thanks for doing a giveaway! I like the Moda Punctuation kit the best, but I'm a very beginner and it looks hard!
I like the Origins quilt because the fabric is unusual. Garden Party is my second favorite.
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And of course I follow your blog! It's one of my favorites.
I like the lollipop kit, it has me dreaming of spring! A girl can dream, can't she????
I follow your blog and love it :)
"Makin' New Friends" is my favorite! Thanks.
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I receive your newsletter. Thanks.
I love the Punctuation Kit! My favorite GFQ kit is the framed quilt I got a couple of years ago! Fantastic pattern, and it looks awesome in the Wonderland fabrics that were provided
I really like the Moda Origins, but it is hard to pick an actual favorite! :-) Thanks for the fun!
I'm a happy follower! Happy New Year!
Favorites are hard! And change from day to day. Right now the favorite quilt kit on your web page is Cherish Nature.
I have sewn and sewn with that assortment. But little things. No quilt!
I love the city weekend quilt. Thanks for a great giveaway.
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I really love the punctuation kit. I am in love with the reproduction 30's fabric right now. But there are several of the others that I really like too!
I have just recently become a follower. I love the blog!! Thanks for the chance to win!! Happy New Year!!
I signed up for the newsletter. Thanks for the giveaway!!1
They're all so wonderful it's hard to choose, but I love the Saltbox Harvest kit. Thanks for the giveaway! :0)
I'm a follower too! :0)
I just signed up for your newsletter too! :0)
The Lollipop Kit is my favorite. Love them dots.
The Punctuation kit, because it is probably the only one listed that I would actually make, but i also love the fabric.
I received your newsletter. Happy New Year.
I just signed up for your newsletter this week!
So hard to choose -but I do like the Garden Party.
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I love the Saltbox Harvest quilt kit :)
I am a follower. Love Dilly Dally, love anything from Me and My Sister.
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My favorite quilt kit is Moda City Weekend. I love the fabrics and the vintage look of the pattern. Thanks so much for a chance at this great giveaway!
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I like the punctuation kit. I am big time into kids quilts right now. Dilly Dally looks great too.
Love the colors in Dilly Dally just as much as I love the colors in the Moda Lollipop Quilt kit! I adore the Lollipop Quilt because of the pretty flowers, colors and freshness of the design. Great giveaway. Thanks!
I already follow you.
thanks for the chance to win.
I am a follower. Enjoy your blog! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
I already get your newsletter and it is filled with cool stuff. And I love to shop for fabric.
I do receive your newsletter - even have your blog button on my blog so others can find you. Happy quilting!
It is hard to pick a favourite! But if I have to ...I love the city weekend quilt.
I am already a follower, love your store too!! So much fun.
Judi, I like all the kits, love several and there are two the 'speak to me', LOL. The one that speaks the loudest is the Salt Box Harvest. I think it's because it is just a wonderful quilt, and with the little remodel we are doing on our house, I'm looking for more projects to display for the seasons and holidays. "Saltbox Harvest" is perfect for that AND...I love the storage container too! Thanks for a chance to have some of this fun, fun fabric. I love the Me and My Sister lines, they make me smile!
Hi again, I am a follower of your blog!
The Origins quilt kit is my favorite. The fabrics in this line are cool.
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It's a toss up between the City Weekend kit because I love the pattern or the Origins kit because I love Basic Grey!
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I like the Cherish Nature kit.
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I love the Moda Punctuation Quilt Kit! I love quilts with letters not to mention that lunch box is too cute!
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I love Moda Saltbox Harvest. It would be my first choice. Second choice is Makin' New Friends--Winter is so long that I love having smiling snowmen around to cheer everyone up!
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My favorite is the City Weekend! Thanks so much! Love that Dilly Dally.
I am a follower of your blog. Thanks again!
Your newsletters are great.
Even though Christmas has just passed, the 12 Days of Chrostmas kit is calling out to me!
I like the Cherish Nature quilt kit very much.
A very happy New Year to you.
I now subscribe to your newsletter. Thanks!
I love your site, love your blog and your generosity is so nice!!! I really like the kit of Sandy Gervais' Lollipop Quilt. Actually, with your sales price, I might be able to afford this one :) Adore Me & My Sister Designs so I have my fingers crossed that I'm a winner!!! Happy New Year!!
I love the city weekend I do alot with primary colors.
The Moda Punctuation Quilt kit is too cute.
I like the Wrapped in Paisley. Wonderful colors.
I love Making New Friends because I love snowmen!!
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I like the Moda Punctuation Quilt kit, it would be great to make for any one of my children. I also really like the Garden Party!!
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Thanks for the giveaway!
I am liking the Moda City Weekend kit because it's colorful and it looks simple to do.
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Cherish Nature because I love the browns, greens, and blues.
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Just when you think you have enough fabric....they come out with something even cuter! I like the Moda Punctuation kit. I follow you on Facebook!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I am a newsletter subscriber now. :-)
I like Moda Makin New Friends as I need to make more Christmas quilts!
Happy New Year.
Definitely Lollipop - I love anything flowers!!
Glad to say I've been a follower for quite a while!! :)
I like the variety of blocks in the Garden Party quilt kit ... so many quilts I want to make ... so little time :)
Thanks for the give away!
Have posted a link in the sidebar of my blog.
The Moda Cherish Nature Quilt Kit kept talking to me-- Yes-- the fabrics talk. I love blue and green together. There's just something about a New Year and that Bird's nest that makes you believe in second chances.....
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my fave kit is a tie between Garden Party and Wrapped in Paisley
Yeah an Awesome giveaway!! I like the Moda City weekend kit the best mostly because it would be the most likely one I would make.
I think it would be awesome if you did quilt kits like some other companies have done for some of the other MBS projects. I have done a few MBS projects in the past and have 2 planned ones that will be published early next year. If you are interested in making a kit of them, I would let you :D
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already receive your website newsletter :D
I am a follower of your blog.
Oh I love this fabric. And the kit... would have to be the Punctuation kit... would be great for my grand nephew.
Hugs and thanks~!
I am a follower!!!! That's two :o)
I've blogged about it! that's 3 :o)
I think I like the Cherish Nature kit the best.
I love the lollipop quilt kit! It is so cute, plus it comes with a fun bag!
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I like the Moda Lollipop Quilt Kit.
Thanks for the great giveaway
I'm now a follower. Love your blog. Thanks again for the giveaway.
I like the City Weekend quilt kit. The pattern is fab and I think the fabric will work really well with it. Bright and happy!
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I like the Moda Lollipop quilt kit. It is bright and cheery and looks like it could be completed quickly. Plus it has everything in it including the backing.
I have been a follower for awhile now.
I like the Moda Lollipop Quilt Kit. These wall hangings look fast and are so cute!
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I'm a follower and I like the punctuation quilt kit as I like the "Dick and Jane" type looks.
Oh I Love the Dilly Dally! :)
Moda City Weekend is my favorite. Thanks sew much for the chance to win one of your fabric packs!
Already following :)
Oh, and I signed up for your newsletter, too. Happy New Year!
I have been a follower for quite a while, and also get your newsletter! My favorite kit is City Weekend, and I will certainly post about your give-away on my boggity blog.
A wonderful and blessed New Year to you and your family, buy the way!
It's so hard to pick just one! I think I'd have to go with 12 Days of Christmas though.
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I blogged about your giveaway: http://fastdaze.blogspot.com/2010/12/great-giveaway.html
Lollipop Quilt Kit is my favorite. I really love quilts that have large flowers or birds in them! My next quilt will have a bird on it:).
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and I am having a giveaway beginning January 7th.
I love the City Weekend colors. Kathie L in Allentown
Thanks for the chance to win. All the quilt kits look great but Lollipop is really fun looking. Thanks for the giveaway and happy new year!
I am one of your followers. Kathie L in Allentown
My 2nd entry. I am a follower!
I subscribe to your newsletter (and shop with you often!)
Happy New Year!
I really like the Moda Makin New Friends quilt kit as I love snowman themed quilts.
I have been a follower for sometime.
My favorite quilt in the Green Fairy quilt shop is the Moda Punctuation Quilt Kit.
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I think I would have to say that the origins kit is my favourite. I also really liked the cherish nature. Thanks for the chance to win the really cute dilly dally fabric!
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My favorite is the Origins kit!
I like the Moda Lollipop kit, I subscribe to your newsletter and love your work! Happy New Year.
I'm a very happy follower!
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I love the Moda Punctuation kit. The fabric is adorable and the kit is cute!
I like garden party, the colors look great, and I want a fun project for the new year.
... and I'm a follower. Have been for a while :-)
I like the punctuation quilt. It's a great activity quilt for little ones...like my son!
I subscribe to your blog. Thanks.
City weekend is my favorite, it reminds me of Christmas mint candies.
I like City Weekend or Punctuation, because the fabric is so awesome in each one.
I follow your blog and you are on my blogroll.
I really like Wrapped in Paisley. It is such a unique Christmas quilt. Thanks for such a fabulous giveaway :-)
I really like the Cherish Nature Kit. I have one piece of that fabric and it's out where I see it everyday.
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Makin New Friends because you can never have enough of snowmen! Your kits are fabulous - Happy New Year!
I subscribe to your newsletter - thank you.
And I have commented on my blog. I am new at this blog, so if I know how I would add a Green Fairy button, because I love your fabric, and love getting those boxes of fun !!!
All the kits are lovely but if I had to choose one, I'd choose Moda City Weekend Quilt best.
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I like the punctuation quilt kit because we homeschool and it would fit RIGHT IN on our school room wall!
Following you!
I love the lollipops quilt. Thanks and Happy New Year!
Just signed up for the newsletter, too!
I love the Wrapped in Paisley kit because my husband always jokingly says that his favorite color is paisley.
I really love the Cherish quilt kit!
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Punctuation is my favorite! I love Amerian Jane, and this is a particularly cute line. I love the colors and the cute tickets and just the whole thing. And, if that isn't enough cute for you, the little tin! Oh My!!
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I really like the Moda Punctuation quilt kit!
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I think the Moda Origins kit might be my favorite. I would love to use that fabric. Thanks for the chance.
i like the city weekends quilt. it looks like beach umbrella tops
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Happy New Year. I love the Garden Party kit as it is fresh, pretty and girlie.
I am a humble follower and have mentioned your giveaway on my blog.
Orgins would be my pick BUT all are lovely!
I love the Moda Origins kit -- the Hunter's Star is a favorite pattern of mine...thanks for the chance!
Im a follower
I cant choose between all of the wonderful Moda kits-I like Origins, City weekend, and punctuation and...
I'm lovin' City Weekend kit!!
Happy New Year!
I'm stuck deciding between the Moda Punctuation quilt kit because it is so bright and cheerful and the Moda Lollipop because I love the flowers :)
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I like the Makin' new friends kits, cause snowmen rock!
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