Friday, May 3, 2013

Giveaway time!!

Posh Pumpkins by Sandy Gervais 
This time of year is wonderful, we are outside - the sun is shining and we are thinking spring!  So, why does Thanksgiving and Christmas fabric come out right now?  I have always wondered that, but realized it is because a lot of us quilters out there are already planning our Thanksgiving and Christmas projects for this year.
Posh Pumpkins by Sandy Gervais 
 We have 7 new lines in the shop that are so incredible. You can see them on our home page here. We also have the Posh Pumpkins line by Sandy Gervais.  Wow, love this line - but I have always been a fan of Sandy Gervais.  This gorgeous bundle would go great in my house because I have a lot of these colors in my decor.
Posh Pumpkins by Sandy Gervais 
So, I'll make a deal with you! One of you can win this Posh Pumpkins FQBundle to get started on your Fall projects - it includes 39 fat quarters and 1 panel - so it's a great deal for you.  I just need you to check out our site and see what we have in our shop.  We have the 7 new lines on the home page - tell me your favorite, and check out upcoming fabrics in August and September.  Tell me your favorite fabric lines from those months as well.  

So, here's mine:  My favorite new arrival is Winter's Lane by Kate & Birdie - it's adorable!  My favorite August lines are a toss up between  High Street and Road 15 - oh my word, I really need to piece something right now! My favorite line from September is Bobbins and Bits by Pat Sloan - love this line.  It's adorable and the colors are right up my alley! 

You have a couple days to enter - just tell me what you like.  You can sign up for our newsletter and follow my blog for a bonus entry! One comment with all the favorite fabric lines, and one for the bonus entry.  It's easier for me to count that way.  Thanks so much everyone!  Happy Quilting!  

One more thing, you can pre-order a signed copy of my book, it's looking like August sometime. The waiting is killing me, but it will be worth it when it is finally here! 


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Gill said...

I like Winter's Lane (new arrival), Road 15 (August) and Bobbins and Bits(September)

Gill said...

I follow your blog and get your newsletter!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...
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Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I follow your blog and get the newsletter

Hildy said...

Love the Boo Crew (isn't it cute?) and Road 15.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love Winters Lane like you do.
I like Xanadu Batik for August and Bobbins and Bits for September

Hildy said...

And I've already signed up for your newsletter!

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

Oh I would love to win this! I'm the Pumpkin Patch Quilter so - it's only right!!! Thanks for the chance to win! I follow your blog already and follow you on FB - September I choose Midwinter Reds (drool) and August my favorite is Nature's Basket. ;) Thanks for the chance!

Quilts, Cakes and Other Fun said...

Sew Stitchy is my favorit right now. and i really like the Boo Vrew (funny) love it. lisaursino

Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

I already follow your blog and get your newsletter - hope that counts? Your book is on my wish list!! ;)

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Loving the Contempo Charm pack - the colours are rich and yummy and I also love the Midwinter red wovens - yummy!!!

Veta said...

I love Xanadu in August and Dreamcatcher in Sept. Subscribed to everything too. Love your web store!

Christine S said...

New Release~In From The Cold
August~Road 15, WOO-HOO!!
Sept~Midwinter Reds

This giveaway bundle is gorgeous!!

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Yay I follow your blog :) You must have so much fun deciding what to sell - what a dream job!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh my colors

Christine S said...

Getting the newsletter and following the blog by email.

Karen @dixielandcrafts said...

My favorite new arrival is the Christmas countdown. My favorite from the August line is Chirp Chirp, which I need in my livingroom throw. My favorite from the September line is the Midwinter Reds, it is just so me!!! Gorgeous fabrics!!!

Kim said...

I really like Boo Crew from the new lines. From the August line I like Road 15 from Sweetwater and in September Pat Sloans Bobbins and Bits batiks are pretty fun!

Karen @dixielandcrafts said...

I follow your blog!!!

Michelle Jensen said...

Well I have to pick the Halloween one for the 7 because, well halloween prints are always so cute and they are my mom's favorite so maybe she is a big influence on me. For August... you can never never go wrong with a sweet water fabric so Road will due. For Sept... I will have to say the Red line because that again is my mom's favorite and it is so sophisticated as well with the Roses. Thank you so much for the giveaway and all you share :)!

Michelle Jensen said...

I am of course a follower!

Dancingthreads said...

I dearly LOVE fall and especially halloween fabrics. I would love to win a stack of fats in halloween fabrics.... I already get your newsletter, and love it. I have ordered a few times from your site. Love the way you display products....

Kathryn said...

My tastes are eclectic. I like Christmas countdown in the new, Contempo in August and Midwinter Reds in Sept.

Kathryn said...

I get your newsletter and follow your blog.

Amy (aka Petunia) said...

In the new lines, i love In from the cute and cuddly! From August lines i like high street...i am a sucker for brights and florals! my fave in Sept is bobbins and bits because it is so bright and colorful! Great for those fall days. Thanks!

lisa shenk said...

I love your web site, so easy to manage, I get your newsletter, so I drool often! I do a lot with black and white, so the new shades of black and white, by me and my sister really appeals to me, I am also a Kansas girl, and I don't think there has been a KT fabric that I don't like, those are the colors I seem to use the most, and Lynne is a super nice gal, to boot!

Tangii said...

What a gorgeous grouping of fabric!! I LOVE the colors in Winters Lane! HIgh Street is my fave for August, Midwinter Reds for September :)

Tangii said...

I already subscribe to your newsletter and am a follower :)

Quiltalynne said...

My favorite for August is the Crossroads collection. These are all in my colour pallet!

Alepatch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quiltalynne said...

My favorite for September is the Dreamcatcher collection. Beautiful dreamy colours!

Diane F. said...

Love Winter's Lane, (just ordered yesterday) and Chirp Chirp for August.

Unknown said...

I follow your blog and get the news letter. Thanks for the opportunity to win, fantastic fabric choice :)

Lynda said...

I too am a fan of Sandy Gervis. My favorites are: Winters Lane, Contempo for August, and Bobbin & Bits batiks for September.

Whitney said...

My favorite is also Winters Lane (gorgeous!!)
August is Xanadu Batiks and September would be Midwinter Reds.

But really, how's a girl to choose??

Lynda said...

I follow your blog via my google reader

PegD said...

My favs are Icicle Kisses for the new arrivals, August is Xanadu Batiks and September is Bobbins and Bits.Thanks for the chance, I love Sandy Gervais' fabric.

Lizzy1263 said...

I love the new stuff, i make pocketbooks, so always looking for new lines..I love the Winters Lane, i have to agree and that's my favorite, then August, i really love Contempo Jelly Roll and Sept, the Bobbins and Bills. So great. I hope i can add to my collections, i follow you on my blog and i am signed up for your newsletter. Thank you.

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

My fav for August is Road 15, for September Midwinter Reds & Winters Lane from the holiday groups. Thanks for the chance! It is snowing here in MN today so I hope mother nature is not deciding to skip summer!

Rina Mason said...

My favorite from the home page is In From The Cold. August was much harder to pick from as I like High Street and Natures's Basket. September is hands down Midwinter Reds.....Love It! I do have to say that Posh Pumpkins is my very favorite as I love anything to do with Autumn and this line is so yummy! Thanks for the chance!

PegD said...

I also follow your blog and I did sign up for the newsletter for a 2nd chance. Thanks!

Karalee said...

Out of the 7 new my favorite is: In From the Cold. August Favorite: Road 15 LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!! September Favorite: Bobbins and Bits.

Rina Mason said...

I already get your newsletter!

Donna said...

My picks would be - new arrival Winters Lane, August Nature's Basket & September Dreamcatcher.

Donna said...

Your newsletter comes to my email regularly. Thank you.

New Salem Homestead said...

I have been following you for over a year and was just on the site this morning drooling over this fabric you are giving away! But, my favorite new arrival is Icicle Kisses, looking forward to Chirp Chirp in August and the Mid Winter Reds in September. They are all yummy!

Ranch Wife said...

There are so many fun new collections coming out! Posh Pumpkins is gorgeous! No one does fall line Sandy does! Horseshoe Trail is on my list too (New arrival) - we're ranchers so it's a 'must have'! :) In August, I have my eye on Celebration Boy - lots of babies on the horizon and it looks like boys are going to be in abundance! :) And in September I love Bobbins and Bits! Thank you for your generosity, Judi!

catlady said...

Choose just 1 favorite? hah! Okay, Chirp Chirp for August. No,, High Street. No,, Highstreet. And for September...Midwinter Reds. I really like the wovens! Your quilting is amazing!! What an artist you are!

Alepatch said...

Wintergreen by 3 Sisters are so beautiful..Thanks for the chance For august i live"Wintergreen by 3 Sisters"
for september "Midwinter Reds WOVENS ".... ciao ciao Alessandra

Belinda said...

August goodies for me would be between Crossroads and the Xanadu Batiks and for September, definitely the Bobbins and Bits Batiks!!

Linda Lee said...

I already receive your newsletter, follow your blog, AND am a Facebook friend!

Ellen said...

Hi, would love to win these fabrics
In From The Cold, High Street and Bobbins and Bits are my favorites

Belinda said...

I follow your blog and receive your newsletter. :)

Ranch Wife said...

I already am an avid follower and look forward to finding your newsletter in my inbox! Thank you for your generous giveaway - I'm excited about Posh Pumpkins - It's already on the list to be the star of more than one project around here!

Gretchen said...

Thanks for the chance at the great giveaway!
New line: Winters Lane
August: Road 15
September: Midwinter Reds

Anonymous said...

I like In From the Cold. In August I'm looking forward to High Street. And I just love the Bobbins and Bits Batik.

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

Just signed up for your newsletter.

Unknown said...

My favorite new arrival is definitely wintergreen, and from August I love high street, and finally from September is midwinter reds. Thanks so much!

Gretchen said...

I follow your blog and receive your newsletter!

~Laurie~ said...

I follow your blog!!

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

In from the cold is great. Love the posh crossing my fingers to win!

Unknown said...

I am in love with Xanadu in August and Dreamcatcher in Sept.

~Laurie~ said...

That was fun to look at all the coming lines! My favs were Horseshoe Trail, Playtime, Historical Blenders, Chirp/Chirp, High Street, Bobbins & Bits and Midwinter Reds. If I had to pick one of those as a favorite I think it would be Midwinter Reds.

Just Sew Sue said...

Love Road 15. I have so many fabrics it would co-ordinate with.

Julie said...

My favorite new line is the Winter's Lane, for August it is Crossroads (beautiful) and for September it is definitely the Dreamcatcher Batiks. Thanks!!

Jacqueline said...

OH Oh OH pick me, pick me... I love the colors in the Poss Pumpkin lines....

as for my future picks - not so easy to do - but for August I would pick Crossroad and for Sept I would pick Mid Winter Reds.

Thanks so much for a chance at this fabulous giveaway.

Unknown said...

I follow your blog and get your newsletter under @

Thank you for the chance to win this bundle of FQ's and the panel.

Unknown said...

Love In From The Cold, Crossroads, and Mid-Winter Reds. Of course everything is gorgeous!

Julie said...

I follow your blog and get your newsletter and follow you on FB :)

Jacqueline said...

And I am a blog follower to so here is hoping for the best.


Unknown said...

I follow your blog and get the newsletter and FB and I love everything on the site.

Unknown said...

I love "In From the Cold", August "Crossroads", September "Mid-Winter Reds". Although I really love them all!

Unknown said...

I am now a follower and subscribe to the newsletter! Thanks

SandyQuilts said...

Oh my gosh so many pretties.

Now - In From The Cold
August - Batik
September - Mid Winter Red

Thank you

dianne said...

oooo!!! the Boo Crew ... and Road 15 (love it) and Midwinter Reds (which is weird, cuz i'm not much of a fan of red)

Phyllis said...

From the new line I like Winter's Lane.
August..Natures Basket and also Road 15.
September..Bobbins and Bits and Midwinter Reds.
Hard to choose lots of them are great!

Ellyn said...

wow, all are wonderful but I would have to choose In From The Cold (love me some Kate Spain!) From August I would choose Little things and from September I'd go with Bobbins & Bits as well.

Ellyn said...

oh and I already follow your blog and get the newsletter :)

Laine said...

Current - Icicle Kisses by Kansas Troubles
Aug - Xanadu Batiks
Sept - Midwinter Reds Woven

Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Laine said...

I am a follower of your blog and on facebook

Anonymous said...

Midwinter Red

Joe and Julianne said...

I follow your blog and get your newsletter :)

marie said...

From the new: my favorite is "wintergreen"
August: Crossroads
September: Mid Winter Red-Wovens

Thanks for the chance to win

LIANE said...

New Release: Icicle Kisses
August : Road 15
September: Midwinter Reds

~Diana said...

Midwinter Reds or any of the batiks!

Mary Caldwell said...

I like new arrival Wintergreen, August's Road 15, and September's Dreamcatcher Batiks. Thanks for the chance to win.

Mary Caldwell said...

I already receive your newsletter and follow your Blog on Bloglovin'. Thanks for the extra chance to win.

Joe and Julianne said...

I love Boo Crew from the front page, Smore Love from the August group, and Mid Winter Reds from the September group. Lovely quilting you do! Thanks for sharing your quilts with all of us and thank you for the fun give away!

Unknown said...

Winters Lane, Road 15, Little Things and Dreamcatcher would be my favorites. Thanks.

pecag said...

I like Winters Lane, High st., and Midwinter reds. love your blog and fabric lines.

Quiltsmiles said...

Humm... difficult choices. For now that Wintergreen, The Boo Crew (cut ename) and that Winters Lane are all making my heart beat faster. In August that Road 15! also the Crossroads and high street look awesome too. For September that Bobbins and Bits is my favorite but I also like that Midwinter reds, such lovely designs as well as the Posh Pumpkins by S. Gervais you are offering, thanks for the chance. Jane

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

My favorite on the Home page is Christmas Countdown....August is Natures Baskets...and Winter Reds for Sept.

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I follow you via GFC

Mary said...

I love the new summer Simple Marks. Also the Xanadu batiks, and the Bobbins and Bits batiks. Sandy Gervais is one of my favorite designers, I have loved all of her fabric lines, and used a number of them :^)

Thim3 said...

What a great the fabric. My favorite of the new lines are Christmas Countdown..I love christmas fabric anytime of the year. For August I loved the High Street line...such bright colors. For September I loved the Bobbin and Bits line. It is so hard to pick just one of anything in your shop...such pretty fabric.

Renee said...

In From The Cold, Chirp Chirp and Bobbins and Bits!

Renee said...

I follow your blog and get the newsletter!

The Polka Dot Posie said...

Oh my! Picking my favorite is like having to pick your favorite child! All so beautiful and unique in their own way! But the Posh Pumpkins are my kind of colors!

The Polka Dot Posie said...

I also follow your blog and get your newsletter!

Unknown said...

I follow your blog via bloglovin.

Lesauri said...

What a wonderful giveaway Judi. I follow your blog and really enjoy looking at all the wonderful quilting that you do. My favorite current fabric line is a toss up between the Boo Crew and Sew Stitchy. August would be Xanadu Batiks and September is Bobbin and Bits.

Christa Marcotte said...

Mine are Midwinter red for September and Nature's Basket for August!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Barbara O. said...

I'd go for the batiks, both in August and in September. I love batiks...
Thanks for the chance!

Barbara O. said...

I follow your blog and I get your newsletter.

Unknown said...

Just signed up for your newsletters.

Christa Marcotte said...

Love your newsletter and have your blog on my list of ones to follow!!

CJ said...

I already get your newsletter and follow your blog. :)

Carol said...

My current favourite is Aspen Frost and for August and September, Bits and Bobbins is calling my name.

Patti said...

Winter's Lane is my favourite too. I like Contempo very much for August and Bobbins and Bits (reg cotton) for your Sept arrivals. Thanks for offering a great giveaway!

Vicki in MN said...

In From the Cold or Boo Crew. Then S'more Love, and Dream Catcher. Awesome new stuff!

CJ said...

For August it would be HIGH STREET.
Septernber = MIDWINTER REDS.
New from the home page = Winter's Lane. Now I just need some $$$.

Lisa said...

I love "In from the Cold" the most but I really have never met a fabric I didn't like!

Vicki in MN said...

I follow your blog!

Unknown said...

My favorite from the new items is Wintergreen. From the August lines, I love Crossroads, from the Sept lines, my favorite is the Midwinter red! Thanks for the giveaway!

charlotte said...

Okay, new fabrics: In From the Cold, August Road 15 (so excited for this one!) September Midwinter Reds, Wovens...looks yummy.

Julie said...

I follow and adore your blog!

charlotte said...

I follow you and get your newsletter. That's why I'm here!

Julie said...

I'm really liking the boo crew for the new seven. In August I'm loving Chirp Chirp and September Midwinter reds. I've always wanted a red and white quilt!

Unknown said...

I follow you and get your newsletter!

Marelize Ries said...

I follow your blog, and just love your quilting!!!

Unknown said...

I have to agree with you on your favorites. I have the same. The bird in the new release 'winters lane' is beautiful (the colors of blue,red and gray, so great). For August 'Road 15'; the text fabrics will be a big hit. September: Bobbins and Bits (regular not batik) is very charming.

Susie Johnson said...

I love the new Icicle Kisses by Kansas Troubles, The August release would be Crossroads, and the September release is Midwinter Reds.

Susie Johnson said...

I follow your blog and am signed up for your newsletter.

Marelize Ries said...

I really like "The Boo Crew" by Sweetwater, for August I like the "Contempo" range and September "Midwinter reds"

All fabulous fabrics, thanks for the chance!

sillyewe said...

These new lines are terrific. I have a hard time choosing, but here goes:

September-Midwinter Reds

Lisa England said...

My favorites are Winter's Lane, Chirp Chirp, and Bobbins & Bits Batiks. Thanks for the chance to win!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I love the Boo Crew as well.

sillyewe said...

And preordered the book. Follow and newsletter-check. :)

Love watching your work materialize. :)


Lisa England said...

I get your newsletter and follow your blog.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I get your newsletter.

Jodi said...

I love Winter's Lane, Road 15 (love anything Sweetwater), and Bobbins and Bits for the September choice. Posh pumpkins is on my list, but since we haven't had spring yet, it's hard to think of fall & winter projects.

Jodi from Fargo

Anonymous said...


Ellen said...

Coming soon I like Winter's Lane, Contempo for August and for September I simply ADORE the Bobbins and Bits BATIKS! September is my birthday month and I think I may have just found my birthday present!

Tennjenny said...

WOW. That is an incredible giveaway!! Thank you! For soon, I would say Winter's Lane, for August I think Road 15, and for September definitely Bobbins & Bit regular. Thanks again!

Tennjenny said...

I follow your blog and get your newsletter. Because how else would I see your quilts and find out about sales???

Anonymous said...


Linda S said...

Oh WOW! I was just ogling the Post Pumpkins a few days ago. How I would love to win this! So, let's see what my favorites are. New Arrivals - I think I'll go with Wintergreen by 3 Sisters, August - I'll go with Crossroads, and September - I'll go with MidWinter Reds, but I have to admit that was a very tough choice! I subscribe to your newsletter, but am off to subscribe to your blog. Right now!

Unknown said...

My favorite new arrival is Winter's Lane by Kate & Birdie! My favorite August line is Nature's Basket. My favorite line from September is Bobbins and Bits by Pat Sloan.

cathy said...

I really like In from the cold as new arrival, High street calls my names for the colors, and Bobbins and Bits is great.. read your blog and signed up for your newsletter.. and that is great that you are giving away this beautiful bundle of fabric..

Chris Chambers said...

Love Winter's Lane, High Street for August, and Mid-Winter Reds for September. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Cheryl said...

They're all beautiful, but I think I'd pick Winter's Lane, Xanadu Batiks for August, and Dreamcatcher Batiks for September. Thanks for the chance at these wonderful fabrics

CraftyPa&CraftyMa said...

love to win someething thanks

Jane S. said...

I like The Boo Crew, Chirp Chirp (the name is so cute too), and Midwinter Reds! Whole lotta fabric love going on here. :)

Jessica Pyykkonen said...

Winter's Lane LOVE!!! On my Must Have list!
SMore Love - August
Bobbins and Bits - September

Karen said...

In this order, Winter's Lane, High Street, Midwinter Reds - all yummy!! Thanks for sharing.

Karen said...

I already follow you and get the newsletter.

Jessica Pyykkonen said...

I follow you. I get your newsletter as well.

Lisa said...

The Boo Crew
High Street
Bobbins n Bits

Wow such great lines coming in the next few months.

Enter me in because I could so use that HUGE FQ Bundle.. Talk about Christmas in July, this would be Thanksgiving in May!

Lisa said...

I follow the blog and get the newsletter!

Anne said...

KTQ's Icicle Kisses is my favorite currently available line. Lynn has done it again! Favorite August line is Xanadu Batiks -- rich, bold colors! For September, I choose Pat Sloan's lively and charming Bobbins and Bits. Wonderful collections all, though.

Mary Grace McNamara said...

My favorite new fabric is those colors together! Any my favorite upcoming fabric line is August's Smore Love...just plain fun! Thanks for a chance at this very generous giveaway!


Cheryl said...

My favorite line from the newest 7 lines is Winters Lane. My favorite line from August / September is Little Things.

Cheryl said...

I follow your blog and get your newsletter and I love your store!

Unknown said...

My favorite new arrival is Winter's Lane & Icicle Kisses I could not pick one they are all awesome!!! My favorite August line is Crossroads, I really need to have this one, as I have the pattern ready! My favorite line from September is Midwinter Reds.... It was so hard to choose just 1 in all the lines.. Ready for fall and winter piecing!!!

ForeverQuilting said...

I already subscribe to your newsletter and am a follower

ForeverQuilting said...

Love The Boo Crew..for Aug my favorite is High Street and for Sept Midwinter Red. Actually I Love them all!!!

Unknown said...

Enjoy your blog and have signed up to follow and not miss anything with newsletter as well.

Cleary (Cie) said...

I like Christmas Countdown and I get your newsletter and I'm a follower. Thanks for having the giveaway

Judy said...

I love all the moda fabric had to choice winning today would be a dream for me I will sign up for your blog and newsletter keep up to date I also love the no shipping cost on the fq's will be checking back.

AnnieK said...

My faves are Wintergreen, SMore Love, and Dreamcatcher Batiks, but it was sure hard to pick!

quilting/fitness said...

love chirp chirp and contempo

quilting/fitness said...

i follow you everywhere and i just bought posh pumpkin jelly roll from you and would love the fq

salamanda said...

I like Katespain's In from the cold and S'more Love coming in September and in August it has to be Midwinter Reds (or vice versa). Thank you for the chance to win a lush fabric bundle.

AnnieK said...

I get your newsletter and follow your blog :-)

Pieceful Passions said...

I love the new arrival:
"In From The Cold by Kate Spain"

High Street Charm Pack

Midwinter Reds

Thanks for the chance to WIN!

GO STARS! said...

I love High Street, Midwinter Reds Wovens and Bobbins & Bits.

GO STARS! said...

I get your newsletter.

Suzy said...

Newest arrival is Wintergreen. August is a toss up between Crossroads and High Street. September is Mid-Winter Reds. Red is my all-time favorite color! Thanks for the opportunity to win this gorgeous autumn bundle! :o)

Unknown said...

I signed up for your newsletter and blog. Love the Posh Pumpkins. My colors also.

Carol B said...

Signed up for your newsletter. I like Winter's Lane (new arrival), Road 15 (August) and Bobbins and Bits(September)

Thanks for the chance to win a prize...

Candace said...

I like Winter's Lane, Road 15, and Midwinter's Red. My favorite of all of them is Midwinter's Red!!

Unknown said...

Of the newest arrivals I like the Icicle Kisses.
August I would chose Contempo.
September Dreamcatcher Batiks are to die for!!
Thanks for the Giveaway. Happy to find your site.

Pat Converse said...

New arrivals fav is the Boo Crew; August fav is Contempo; September fav is Bobbins and Bits.
pnconverse at hotmail dot com

Brita said...

Yes, I love High Street -- it's really pretty, kinda glam, right? This giveaway bundle is right up my alley, my colors! But I have so many Halloween quilts (my fave colors) but I would not be able to resist just one more, big enough for the bed!!

Baker_ia said...

I like the Horseshoe Trail and the two batiks coming up in Aug and Sept are really nice.

Pat Converse said...

I follow your blog & have signed up for the newsletter.

pnconverse at hotmail dot com

Dawn said...

What fun! I think of the new lines, I like In From the Cold. For August I like the Little Things and for September, Midwinter Reds. I also like the Simply Style coming in July!! Thanks!!

Dawn said...

I also follow your blog through Reader and on FB

Anonymous said...

I love Winters Lane, Road 15 (August) and Bobbins and Bits (September)

Anonymous said...

I also get your newsletter and follow you...

Faye Nettles said...

S'More Love and Midwinter Reds are my fav.

Faye Nettles said...

I have been a follower on FB for a while.

Donna~~ said...

Perfect fabrics for Fall--thanks for the chance to win them! I agree with you on Winter's Lane--it's great. For August, I like Celebration Boy, and for September, I like the Midwinter Reds.

Donna~~ said...

And I follow your blog already! :)

tlcala4me said...

My favorite of the newest seven is Winter's Land. In Auguest my fave is High Street. In Septemeber my fave is the Dreamcatcher Batiks.

tlcala4me said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barbara said...

Fall is my favorite season, and I too love Sandry Gervais fabrics! I'd have to choose Icicle Kisses from the home page, Nature's Basket from August, and Midwinter Reds Wovens from September.

tlcala4me said...

Okay - so the fave of seven should have read Winter's Lane. And I follow you [blog/newsletter].

Jeanie said...

Love sooooo many of them...but...
New-Boo Crew
August- Road 15
Sept- Dreamcatcher Batiks

Thanks for such a generous giveaway!

Jeanie said...

And I've been a follower and newsletter reader! Thanks again!

KT said...

I am loving winters lane

KT said...

I am signed up for your newsletter

Alexandra said...

I liked the collection of Winters Lane by Kate & Birdie! Beautiful fabrics! I would like to have that. Thank you!

Jan said...

Of the new collections, I like Wintergreen. Chirp Chirp, for August and Bobbins and Bits for September.

Teresa in Music City said...

Yep, my favorite coming soon is also Winter's Lane! For August, I love the cool designs in Contempo but the colors in Road 15 are a big favorite!!! September is easy - Dreamcatcher Batiks!!! Thanks for the giveaway :*)

Teresa in Music City said...

I'm a long-time follower of your blog!

jlk said...

From August I like High Street, September I like Midwinter Reds, and from the home page I like The Boo Crew.

jlk said...

I follow your blog :)

Betsy said...

Sandy is also my favorite. I like winters lane and road 15 and dream catchers

kellsgal said...

Thank you. I love Christmas countdown and Xanadu for August and Dreamcatcher for September. I signed up for the news letter.
Thanks again.

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